ethics, immersion, wisdom, freedom, the knowledge and vision of freedom
AN5.92initiative, protection, good friendship, balanced finances, faith, ethics, generosity, wisdom
AN8.75 actions, not birth defines a person
Snp1.7as a relative (kammabandhu)
Thag8.1effective and ineffective, seeming to be
MN136feelings resulting from
MN136knowing actions as actions and results as results
Thag6.8leading to end of actions
MN57living off the fruit of current actions
AN4.134neither bright nor dark: definition
AN4.237obstructions to listening to Dhamma
AN6.86results coming at different times
MN136reviewing before, during, and after
MN61specific results are inconceivable
AN4.77 attacking the accuser
MN15being difficult to leading to decline
AN6.21elders feel confident admonishing and instructing one with good qualities
AN10.18for body and verbal misconduct
AN10.23gentle like protecting someone with one eye
MN65giving but not accepting
SN21.9monastics being difficult to is cause for decline of Dhamma
AN5.156not wanting to be admonished
AN2.62person impossible to admonish
MN103preparing to make an accusation
AN5.167some are admonished repeatedly, some not
MN65 ‘This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self.’
SN18.21as impermanent, suffering, not self
MN35clinging to makes one a being (satta)
SN23.2complete understanding of
SN23.4craving for is conduit to becoming
SN23.3gratification, danger, escape
SN22.57like grasping plants on river bank
SN22.93like lump of foam, bubble, etc.
SN22.95not exclusively pleasurable
SN22.60not like king controlling kingdom
MN35should be completely understood
SN22.106taking pleasure in, pleasure in suffering
SN22.29understanding and stream-entry, etc.
SN25.10 as powerless, fading away, unreliable
MN112compared to aggregates of clinging
SN22.48contemplation of and awakening factors
SN46.30cut off by the Buddha
MN72develop bases of psychic power to give up
AN9.76develop foundations of mindfulness to give up
AN9.66develop right effort to give up
AN9.76fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27giving up conceit “I am”
MN122giving up desire for is end of suffering
MN28giving up desire for when vision arises
MN75grasping is origin of suffering
MN28impermanence of causing anxiety
MN138investigating the mind to see if they are clung to
MN151jhāna and contemplation of
AN9.36noble eightfold path to give up
SN45.178observing rise and fall leads to wisdom
AN8.2testing the claim someone is an arahant
MN112understanding origin and ending
SN35.244 advocating for ordination of bhikkhunīs
AN8.51are there any mendicants like the Buddha
MN108asking about cetovimutti and paññāvimutti
AN3.32asking about emptiness
MN121asking about getting to hear the Dhamma
AN6.51asking questions before Buddha’s passing
DN16:5.9.0associating with monks of great learning
SN14.15Buddha predicts will become an arahant in this life
AN3.80called a boy by Ven. Mahā Kassapa
SN16.11commenting on Buddha’s body
SN48.41declared to be a trainee by the Buddha
AN3.78discussion on knowing for oneself
SN12.68discussion with Ven. Mahā Koṭṭhita
AN4.174discussion with wander Sandaka
MN76explaining a brief statement of the Buddha
AN10.115foremost as personal attendant
AN1.223grief at Ven. Sāriputta’s death
SN47.13interrogating a brahmin about beneficial practice
AN3.60listening to a sermon by the Buddha
MN68not the spiritual path, definition
SN45.18removing desire with desire
SN51.15reporting Nigaṇṭha Nāṭaputta’s death
MN104speaking from faith about other monks attainments
AN4.76teaching eleven practices that lead to enlightenment
AN11.16teaching King Pasenadi
MN88teaching laypeople too much
SN9.5the spiritual path, definition
SN45.19Ven. Puṇṇa Mantāṇiputta was very helpful
SN22.83visiting bhikkhunīs with Ven. Mahā Kassapa
SN16.10what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32will all attain enlightenment?
AN10.95 anger making others angry
AN7.64cause of getting opposite of what one needs
AN7.64difficult to admonish
MN15give up by seeing with wisdom
AN10.23giving up guarantees non-return
Iti4not responding to anger with anger
AN4.164practice for giving up
MN3rebirth in bad destination
AN7.64without giving up, cannot become arahant
AN9.62 associating with monks who have divine eye
SN14.15foundations of mindfulness
SN52.1limitless release of the heart, the expansive release of the heart
MN127living with Ven. Nandiya and Kimbila
MN128not involved with disciplinary issues
AN4.243observing rains residence
AN8.30questioned about satisfaction with the holy life
MN68seeing women born in heaven
SN37.15seeing women born in hell
SN37.5thoughts of a great man (mahāpurisavitakka)
AN8.30visiting brahmā world
SN6.5what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32 all awaken to four noble truths
SN56.24benefiting the world
Iti84Buddha declaring someone has attained
MN68cannot become without abandoning certain factors
AN9.62cannot reject training
AN9.8cannot reject triple gem
AN9.8continue to practice meditation, mindfulness, situational awareness
MN107difficult for laypeople to recognize
AN6.59directly knowing elements, etc.
MN1faculties of pleasure, pain, happiness, sadness, equanimity
SN48.33five spiritual faculties, truly understanding
SN48.5incapable of negligence
MN70like a person in water who rises up, crosses over, gone beyond
AN7.15like brahmin standing on far shore
SN35.238like bulls, leaders of the herd
MN34like earth is undisturbed
Dhp95like post is steady
Dhp95like shadow of pillar completely destroyed
AN4.195meditate on four foundations of mindfulness
SN47.4meditation different from trainee
SN54.12meditation on mindfulness of breathing
SN54.11neither give up nor accumulate
SN22.79not exempt from old age and death
SN3.3not mortifying self or other
MN51regarding aggregates as not-self does not make one a
SN22.89sense faculties, truly understanding
SN48.27testing the claim someone is an arahant
MN112using the word “I” and “me” skillfully
SN1.25with nothing left over (anupādisesa)
Iti44with something left over (saupādisesā)
Iti44without psychic powers
Ud4.4 caught by sense pleasures
MN26fire of those worthy of a religious donation
AN7.47knowledge of in past and future
SN12.33leaders of other sects
MN30of the past, present, future: four noble truths
SN56.5of the past, present, future: world is safe
SN12.66true and not true; dependent origination
SN12.71truly understanding aggregates
SN23.5truly understanding elements
SN14.37trying to escape Māra
MN25understanding dependent origination
SN12.13understanding gain and honor
SN17.25 causing good and bad qualities to spread
AN8.10causing good qualities to spread
AN8.54truly getting to know someone
AN4.192what kinds should and should not be cultivated
MN114whom to not associate with
AN3.26with bad like poisoned arrows
Iti76with bad like rotten fish
Iti76with bad people causes harm
AN3.99with bad, like leaving a smooth road for rough
SN2.22with good like fragrance of sandalwood
Iti76with good people grows wisdom
AN4.248with people vs. remote dwellings
AN7.61with similar people, like dung comes together with dung, etc.
SN14.16 with good people as the original cause for knowledge and freedom
AN10.62with true persons, leads to arahantship
SN55.58with true persons, leads to stream-entry
SN55.55with true persons, leads to wisdom
SN55.59 after listening to an accomplished teacher
SN46.3all skillful qualities rooted in
SN46.89all who attain enlightenment develop
AN10.95chanted when the Buddha was ill
SN46.16chanted when Ven. Mahākassapa was ill
SN46.14chanted when Ven. Moggallāna was ill
SN46.15does not arise apart from the Blessed One’s vinaya
SN46.10extinguished in-between
SN46.3extinguished upon landing
SN46.3extinguished with extra effort
SN46.3extinguished without extra effort
SN46.3fulfil knowledge and freedom
MN118fulfilled by foundations of mindfulness
SN46.6fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27give up things prone to being fettered
SN46.29heading upstream to the Akaniṭṭha realm
SN46.3helped by proper attention
AN1.75investigating the mind to see if they are developed
MN151like Ganges slants to the east
SN46.77like seven treasures of wheel turning monarch
SN46.42monks committed to developing
MN118not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions
SN46.34one with factors developed is quenched
AN10.117prevented by improper attention
AN1.74realizing freedom of heart, freedom of wisdom
MN146supported by seclusion
MN146Ven. Sāriputta’s practice
SN46.4why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77 accumulating little by little
Dhp121bad result in present and future life
AN10.167blameworthy, not meat eating
Snp2.2by body, speech and mind
MN78cause for rebirth as nāga
SN29.7doing because of vanity of youth, health, life
AN3.39done in pain and sadness
MN46done with pleasure and happiness
MN46having done, how to live
SN42.8impossible for good results to come from
MN115impossible to lead to good destination
MN115like butcher can and cannot punish some
AN3.100limiting actions to limit results
Pv33not wanting to get caught
Snp1.7results coming at different times
MN136should not be cultivated
MN114small amounts give small results
AN3.100teaching about as harsh training
AN4.111ten ways of performing: fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27washing away by bathing
SN7.21 arahantship or non-returning
SN51.25investigating the mind to see if they are developed
MN151monks committed to developing
MN118to give up bondages of the mind
AN9.92to give up breaking precepts
AN9.73to give up five higher fetters
AN9.90to give up five lower fetters
AN9.77to give up five realms of rebirth
AN9.78to give up mental barrenness
AN9.91to give up sense pleasures
AN9.75why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77 delicate lifestyle and three palaces
AN3.39development of bases of psychic power
AN5.68gratification, danger, escape
SN22.26living in remote lodgings
MN4meditation experience, mindfulness of breathing
SN54.8reborn as king Makhādeva
MN83reflection on the world, dependent origination
SN12.65“Renunciation is good! Seclusion is good!”
AN9.41seeing gratification, danger, escape
SN35.13 attachment to causes fear of death
AN4.184like a boil with nine leaking orifices
AN9.15like a snake’s skin shed
Pv12like bowl of leaking fat
AN9.11mindfulness of breathing
MN118supported by food, simile for hindrances
SN46.2 arising of ear consciousness
MN28desire and craving for
MN16ephemeral (mattaṭṭhaka)
MN28impermanence is more apparent
SN12.61intention that gives rise to actions
SN12.25lighter, like heated iron ball, cotton wool
SN51.22not healthy for a minute
SN22.1old deeds, produced by volitional formations and intentions
SN12.37visiting brahmā world with physical body
SN51.22 of fat, simile for body
AN9.11of oil, carrying, simile for mindfulness
SN47.20of water cloudy in the dark, simile for doubt
SN46.55of water covered with plants, simile for dullness and drowsiness
SN46.55of water heated by fire, simile for ill will
SN46.55of water mixed with dye, simile for sensual desire
SN46.55of water stirred by wind, simile for restlessness and remorse
SN46.55 ceremonies mortifying self and others
MN94devoted to Brahmā realm
MN97equality with other castes
MN84faith like line of blind people
MN95gradual training in chanting
MN107living on alms as “wealth”
MN96not following ways of ancient seers
DN3:2.6.0offerings of milk-rice
MN93running to a burnt offering
MN129term for Tathāgata (realized one)
AN8.85 abides in brahmaviharas
MN55accused of being young
SN3.1acting rightly and wrongly towards
AN2.137advice is best of all
MN107arising of is beneficial for all
AN1.170as vision and knowledge
MN18asking monks if they have doubts
AN4.76attainting enlightenment
MN4austerity practices
MN100can’t cause someone’s rebirth
SN42.6caring for new monks who don’t have powers of trainee
AN5.7compared to disciples
MN77compares himself to Ven. Mahā Kassapa
SN16.9dependent origination while bodhisatta
SN12.10desire to teach people who have overestimated themselves
MN105different from disciples
MN108discoverer of foundations of mindfulness
SN47.31discoverer of the path
MN108disgusted by bad conduct
AN8.11doesn’t dispute with the world
SN22.94doesn’t like to think about disputing monks
AN3.124enlightenment, iddhipāda
SN51.9excellence is like fire blazing
Thag1.3exchanging robes with Ven. Mahā Kassapa
SN16.11feelings, painful/pleasant don’t occupy mind
MN36going forth while young
MN95greed, hatred, delusion given up
MN55happiness for seven days without moving
MN14has understood gratification, danger, escape
AN3.104honor to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70knowing the minds of others
AN6.62knowledge of the Buddha
AN4.24like a lotus grown up out of mud
AN4.36like first chick to hatch
AN8.11like great cloud that rains on disciples
SN8.8like lotus or lilly that water does not cling to
AN10.81lives for the fruit of knowledge and freedom
SN46.6living in empty huts has destroyed, claim that
DN25:1.0meditating on emptiness
MN121meditation after enlightenment
SN4.24no superhuman distinction
MN12not treating students like potter with wet clay
MN122path to enlightenment
MN100praise and blame does not affect
MN22praise of
Thag4.6praise on ten grounds
MN101psychic powers, how he developed
SN51.32psychic powers, using to teach
SN7.15psychic powers, vanishing and reappearing
MN49reaction to uninterested students
MN137rely on to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70reviewing his attainments
Ud6.3self mortification of
MN12skin brightens when attacked
MN36staying in potter’s shed
MN140teaches emphasizing the topic of dismissal
MN122teaches only what is necessary
SN56.31teaches with direct knowledge, reason, demonstrable base
AN3.125teaching to different kinds of people
AN10.22teaching to different listeners
SN42.7time before passing away
AN4.76treating as a friend
MN122urging support of other mendicants
MN56visiting like land-spotting bird
AN6.54visiting wanderers of other sects
MN79what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32why disciples respect
MN77wisdom of like archers
MN12 appear for welfare of beings
AN2.52arise because birth, old age, death are found in the world
AN10.76awakening factors only arise when Buddha appears
SN46.9harming/shedding blood
MN115like lotus unstained by water
AN6.43marks of a great man
DN30noble eightfold path only arises when Buddha appears
SN45.14scope of is inconceivable
AN4.77seeing a Buddha is unsurpassable
AN6.30two cannot arise at the same time
DN28:1.0when Buddha appears, awakening factors appear
SN46.42when Buddha appears, spiritual faculties appear
SN48.59 can be made pure, simile for mind
MN7clean taking dye, simile for ready mind
MN91from Bārāṇasī, simile for visions in meditation
AN10.29simile for conceit “I am”; scent of cleaners remaining
SN22.89simile of pure cloth taking dye
MN56taking dye, simile for pure mind
MN7wearing away mountain, compared to length of eon
SN15.5white cloth, simile for spiritual deception
MN75 as the essence (samādhisāraka)
SN22.88come together with concentrated
SN14.23definition, foundation, prerequisites, etc
MN44developed for different purposes
DN6:3.0exclusively focused on may lead to laziness
AN3.102happens quickly for those who practice loving-kindness
AN11.15honor to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70praise for person with who talks about
AN10.70problems maintaining
MN128rely on to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70required for wilderness dwelling
AN10.99that does lean forward, pull back, is not held in place, etc.
AN9.37understanding aggregates
SN22.5understanding gained through
SN48.50understanding sense faculties
SN35.99understanding the four noble truths
SN56.1vital condition for true knowledge and vision
AN10.3vital condition for truly knowing and seeing
SN12.23vital condition is bliss/happiness
SN12.23wilderness monks should be
MN69with immediate result
Kp6without it, enlightenment not possible
AN6.70without it, psychic powers are impossible
AN6.70 as fuel that conditions rebirth
SN12.12coming and going of
MN102conditioned by volitional formations
SN12.1feelings, perception, and
MN43knowing as they truly are (yathābhūta)
MN149like being struck by spears
SN12.63not knowing is cause for wrong views
SN33.5same being reborn; wrong view
MN38scattered or not scattered
MN138should be understood
MN43sour, bitter, pungent, sweet, hot, mild, salty, and bland
SN22.79through focusing on gratification
SN12.59tied to four great elements
MN77tied to sense bases
MN133vital condition for name and form
SN12.23vital condition is volitional formations
SN12.23 as footprint of the Dhamma
AN4.29as principle of cordiality (dhammā sāraṇīyā)
AN10.50essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82fermented urine as medicine
AN8.30lack of is suffering for monastic
AN5.128mindfulness of breathing and
AN5.97praise for person with who talks about
AN10.70qualification for living alone
AN5.127respecting a monk who is content with requisites
MN108senior monastics who are live comfortably
AN10.98teachings that lead to are true Dhamma
AN8.53when the perceptions for ascetics are developed
AN10.101with tree root dwelling
AN8.30 hard to find in monastic life
SN2.6 hide removed, simile for cutting off with wisdom
MN146led to slaughter, simile for shortness of life
AN7.74people who refrain from accepting are few
SN56.90simile of unskilled meditator
AN9.35time to pull cow’s udder practicing loving-kindness
AN9.20to milk, to curds, etc., simile for things existing
DN9:32.0 for specific rebirth
AN4.9freed through ending of (taṇhāsaṅkhayavimutta)
MN37given up by foundations of mindfulness
SN52.7gives birth to a person
SN1.55grows when concentrating on gratification
MN149has everything under its sway
SN1.63like palm tree cut off
MN73like tangled yarn, ball of thread
AN4.199like water drop on lotus leaf
Dhp336noble eightfold path is for giving up
SN45.170practicing for the end of
SN23.2simile of water drop on lotus leaf
Snp4.6using craving to remove craving
AN4.159vital condition for grasping
SN12.23 abandoning the training as
MN105as divine messenger
MN130as part of right view
MN9cannot take wealth with us
MN82fear of, removed by factors of stream-entry
SN55.27good when mind is protected
AN3.109greed, hatred, delusion must be given up in order to give up death
AN10.76heedlessness as cause
Dhp21if death was not found, Buddhas would not arise in the world
AN10.76immediately after giving
Ud4.3in four noble truths
MN141like dream gone when waking are the dead
Snp4.6losing mindfulness at time of
SN55.21perception of as beneficial
AN7.49 ascetics not freed from
MN150caused by improper attention
AN3.68give up by seeing with wisdom
AN10.23giving up guarantees non-return
Iti3making prejudiced decisions
AN4.17very blameworthy, slow to fade
AN3.68while on alms round, etc.
MN151without giving up, cannot become arahant
AN9.62 desires of various groups
AN6.52Dhamma taught for giving up
SN22.2for enlightenment like desire to go to park
SN51.15foundations of mindfulness to give up
SN47.37given up realizes the deathless
SN47.37gives rise to passion (pariḷāha)
SN14.7giving up, man for woman
MN101making prejudiced decisions
AN4.17while on alms round, etc.
MN151 associating with monks with evil wishes
SN14.15attended on by Prince Ajātasattu
SN17.36Buddha having completely known
AN6.62like bamboo that fruits and dies
AN4.68like person fallen into sewer
AN6.62overwhelmed by worldly conditions
AN8.7split saṅgha because of gain and honor
SN17.31worse existence than jackal
SN20.11 Bodhisatta’s interaction with during meditation
AN8.64bound to sense pleasure
SN5.7caring for by breaking precepts
MN97comparing themselves with humans who have factors of stream-entry
SN55.36conveying message from the Buddha
SN22.87fear upon learning they are impermanent
SN22.78going for refuge to the Buddha
MN95informing the Buddha of person’s enlightenment
MN73not jealous of human pleasure
MN75perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1rebirth as from wishing
MN41watching people’s behaviour
AN3.40 as refuge after passing of Buddha
MN108closeness to, result of actions
AN5.245deep, hard to see, hard to understand, peaceful, sublime, beyond the scope of logic, subtle, comprehensible to the astute
MN95for one with good friends
SN3.18frees one from suffering
SN10.7honor to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70in brief
Dhp185not leading to the end of suffering
MN12of virtuous far from the wicked
AN4.47putting the Dhamma in charge
AN3.40rarity of, simile of blind turtle
SN56.48reflecting on to overcome drowsiness
AN7.61rely on to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70 as best kind of miracle
AN3.60Buddha sends monks out to teach
SN4.5Buddha teaches different people
SN42.7by one gone forth when old
AN5.60correctly leads to continuation of Dhamma and much merit
AN1.140-149correctly related to harmony in the Saṅgha
AN10.38helps listeners attain enlightenment
AN9.4incorrectly causes disputes
AN10.42incorrectly related to schisms
AN10.37leads to respect from listeners
AN9.4like flowering forest
Kp6not being competent to
MN125not secretly, hoping to profit.
AN8.12of one who is restrained
Dhp363repetition as an aid to understanding
MN146teacher is inspired by their own teaching
AN9.4that applies to oneself
SN55.7to faithful, generous people first
AN7.57to give up greed, hatred, delusion
SN38.3to laypeople who offer requisites
Iti107to uproot underlying tendencies
MN32understanding deep Dhamma while teaching
AN9.4unwholesome wish to teach
MN5useless; shouldn’t be done
DN12what is needed for enlightenment
SN56.31when someone teaches, it inspires the Buddha to teach
AN10.83without flattering or rebuking
MN139 applying equanimity towards
MN140basis for ending the defilements
AN9.36can be known by mind consciousness
MN43culmination of heart’s release by rejoicing
SN46.54meditating dependent on
AN11.9not a reason to become arrogant
MN113not experiencing sense fields
AN9.37one of nine progressive dwellings (anupubbavihāra)
AN9.32perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1perception of and emptiness
MN121perception of the dimension of infinite space ceases
AN9.33sense pleasures are affliction for one in
AN9.34Ven. Sāriputta practicing
SN28.6 applying equanimity towards
MN140basis for ending the defilements
AN9.36can be known by mind consciousness
MN43culmination of heart’s release by compassion
SN46.54equanimity based on unity
MN137meditating dependent on
AN11.9not a reason to become arrogant
MN113not experiencing sense fields
AN9.37one of nine progressive dwellings (anupubbavihāra)
AN9.32perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1perception of and emptiness
MN121sense pleasures are affliction for one in
AN9.34Ven. Sāriputta practicing
SN28.5 applying equanimity towards
MN140“attained to the imperturbable”
AN4.190basis for ending the defilements
AN9.36emerging from to contemplate
AN9.36meditating dependent on
AN11.9not a reason to become arrogant
MN113of person in training
MN137one of nine progressive dwellings (anupubbavihāra)
AN9.32perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1perception of and emptiness
MN121perception of the dimension of nothingness ceases
AN9.33sense pleasures are affliction for one in
AN9.34Uddaka Rāmaputta’s teachings leading to
MN36Ven. Sāriputta practicing
SN28.8 Āḷāra Kālāma’s teachings leading to
MN36applying equanimity towards
MN140basis for ending the defilements
AN9.36can be known by mind consciousness
MN43culmination of heart’s release by equanimity
SN46.54meditating dependent on
AN11.9not a reason to become arrogant
MN113not experiencing sense fields
AN9.37of person in training
MN137one of nine progressive dwellings (anupubbavihāra)
AN9.32perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1perception of and emptiness
MN121perception of the dimension of infinite consciousness ceases
AN9.33sense pleasures are affliction for one in
AN9.34Ven. Sāriputta practicing
SN28.7 mindfulness of the body overcomes
MN119 knowing, simile for knowing four foundations of mindfulness
AN11.17 about triple gem and training
MN16about uncertain matter (kaṅkhanīya)
SN42.13arahant has no doubt defilements are given up
SN12.32blocking accomplishment in view
AN6.89caused by improper attention
AN1.15ending concentration
MN128free from (nikkaṅkha)
MN142gone beyond (tiṇṇavicikiccha)
MN73like bowl of cloudy water in the dark
SN46.55means decline in the teachings
AN10.86must be given up to give up greed, hatred, delusion
AN10.76removed by proper attention
AN1.20time to see esteemed mendicant
AN6.27to give up, improper attention, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness must be given up
AN10.76 digging away, simile for enduring speech
MN21made into clay balls, less than number of fathers
SN15.2not horrified, repelled, and disgusted because of unclean things
AN9.11simile for humans being few
SN56.61simile for people born in middle country being few
SN56.62simile of suffering removed by stream-enterer
SN56.51 conditioned element and unconditioned element
MN115don’t make teaching disappear
SN16.13eighteen (internal and external bases and consciousness of)
MN115form, formlessness, cessation
Iti51gives rise to perception, view, thought
SN14.13not exclusively pleasurable
SN14.34of sensuality, malice, cruelty
AN6.111of the sensual realm, the realm of luminous form, and the formless realm
MN115pleasure, pain, happiness, sadness, equanimity, ignorance
MN115sensuality and renunciation, malice and good will, and cruelty and harmlessness
MN115testing the claim someone is an arahant
MN112underlying tendencies and
MN112understanding and stream-entry, etc.
SN25.9understanding because of foundations of mindfulness
SN52.18 as inspiration for training
Thig3.4bull elephant disgusted by actions of other elephants
AN9.40bull elephant living alone
AN9.40distracted by at time of death
SN55.21footprints, simile for all skillful qualities
MN28footprints, simile for signs of Buddha
MN27hiding behind a palm leaf, simile for Ven. Mahā Kassapa
SN16.11people who refrain from accepting are few
SN56.90self tamed person is better than giant
Dhp322showing all tricks, unlike humans
MN51simile for breaking bonds of sense pleasures
DN21:1.8.0simile for enduring abuse
Dhp320simile for gradual training
MN125simile for juniors acting like elders
SN20.9simile for monk with concentration living in wilderness
AN10.99simile for person not bound by their weak ties
MN66simile for self-reliance
Dhp327simile for solitary life
Dhp329simile of blind men and
Ud6.4simile of monk living alone
AN9.40simile of person who is willing to lie
MN61trained and untrained, simile of
MN125up or down from, simile for rebirth
SN3.21 definition: associating with true persons, etc.
SN55.55gaining four continents not worth sixteenth part of
SN55.1“going upwards” (udayagāmī)
SN55.12like rain on mountain flowing to ocean
SN55.38like tree slanting to the east
SN55.22 practices for one who has
SN55.3 Dhamma follower (dhammānusārī)
MN70diversity of fruits from diversity of faculties
SN48.16faculty, origin, cessation, path to cessation
SN48.7investigating the mind to see if they are developed
MN151manifesting strongly and weakly
AN4.162monks committed to developing
MN118not a waste even if practiced partially
SN48.14origin, ending, gratification, danger, escape
SN48.3where each should be seen
SN48.8why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77 cause of lack of and giving up
AN10.76causes growth of skillful qualities
AN10.67come together with faithful
SN14.17decline and non-decline
SN16.7essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82helpful for attaining nibbāna
AN10.11helpful for rebirth by aspiration
MN120in the Buddha and going forth
MN51lack of causes decline of skillful qualities
AN10.67lack of prevents wisdom
Dhp38leads to approaching a teacher
MN95leads to enlightenment soon
AN7.60like a pillar grounded in the earth
AN7.67misplaced, like blind person tricked
MN75noble disciple grows nobly when they grow in
AN10.74not as good as knowledge
SN41.8only grounds for view
MN102overcoming being faithless
MN8people with and without being generous or stingy
SN3.21person with like a tree
AN5.38power: seen in factors of stream-entry
AN5.15quality of a noble disciple
AN7.67relying on faith for those things that are not directly visible
AN7.57spiritual claims based on
MN100unsurpassable acquisition
AN6.30vital condition is suffering
SN12.23yoked together with wisdom
SN45.4 caring for by breaking precepts
MN97death of family as cause for urgency
AN4.113differences between parents and children
Iti74eminent, coming from doesn’t make you better or worse
MN96establishing in foundations of mindfulness
SN47.48good person looking after
AN8.38grows in faith, virtue, wisdom
AN3.48hostility towards in period of decline
DN26:19.0should be established in faith
AN3.75should be established in four noble truths
SN56.26wishing for them to observe uposatha
AN8.44with few men, simile for saṅgha
AN8.51with many women and few men, simile for mendicant
SN20.3worth visiting, not worth visiting
AN9.17 all because of past actions
SN36.21as dependently arisen
MN146ceases in cessation of perception and feeling
AN9.33conditioned by right and wrong eightfold path
SN45.11consciousness, perception, and
MN43danger of is their impermanence
MN13detachment towards, mindfulness of breathing
SN54.8disillusioned with leads to enlightenment
MN74does not give rise to sense base
SN14.5fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27how to be experienced
MN140knowing and seeing to give up identity view
SN35.166knowing and seeing to give up wrong view
SN35.165knowing as they truly are (yathābhūta)
MN149like lodgers in guest house
SN36.13mental formations (cittasaṅkhāra)
MN44nibbāna is bliss because nothing is felt
AN9.34Nigaṇṭha’s theory on
MN101noble eightfold path is for giving up
SN45.169noble eightfold path to understand
SN45.29not knowing is cause for wrong views
SN33.2ordinary person vs. noble disciple
SN36.6thorn for cessation of perception and feeling
AN10.72underlying tendencies to be given up
MN44vital condition for craving
SN12.23 and things prone to being fettered, like oxen
SN41.1attraction, repulsion, views, doubt, conceit, desire to be reborn, ignorance.
AN7.9attraction, repulsion, views, doubt, conceit, jealousy, stinginess
AN7.10awakening factors to give up five higher
SN46.130bad actions as fetter
MN54blocking accomplishment in view
AN6.89causing bad behavior
MN54five higher, develop bases of psychic power to give up
AN9.90five higher, develop right effort to give up
AN9.80five higher, develop spiritual faculties to give up
SN48.115giving up is purpose of spiritual life
SN45.42giving up large and small
MN66giving up through concentration due to mindfulness of breathing
SN54.17giving up through knowing and seeing sense bases
SN35.54noble eightfold path to give up five higher
SN45.180noble eightfold path to give up five lower
SN45.179path to give up like heartwood
MN64removal of makes one a true mendicant, etc.
AN7.85removed by reviewing five subjects
AN5.57sense bases are things that fetter
SN46.29someone with residue remaining
AN9.12teachings that lead to being unfettered are true Dhamma
AN8.53worn away by noble eightfold path
SN45.158 disciples who practice
MN32essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82leads to respect and harmony
AN10.87not wanting others to know good qualities
AN8.23praise for person with who talks about
AN10.70reason for charnel ground living
AN5.184reason for living in wilderness
AN5.181reason for open air dwelling
AN5.185reason for rag-robe wearing
AN5.182reason for tree root dwelling
AN5.183teachings that lead to are true Dhamma
AN8.53 does not harm those who practice loving-kindness
AN11.15does not think to burn the fool
MN50meditating dependent on
AN11.9not depending on grass and logs
MN99not horrified, repelled, and disgusted because of unclean things
AN9.11not re-burning, simile of person giving up bad qualities
AN11.13person needing, simile of right and wrong practice
MN126simile for consciousness dependently arisen
MN38simile for danger of fools spreading
MN115simile for rebirth of person with grasping
SN44.9 cauterizing wounds over
MN75of different kinds of wood made by different castes
MN93of different kinds of wood, simile for castes
MN96simile for awakening factors to develop at proper time
SN46.53simile for Māra catching mendicant
SN35.243trying to make irrationally, simile for finding soul
DN23:5.0types of, literal and figurative
AN7.46young, not to be looked down on
SN3.1 basis for ending the defilements
AN9.36Bodhisatta experiencing as child
MN36cessation of intentions
MN78factors, and factors given up
MN43not possible with hindrances
AN6.73not possible without seeing danger of sensual pleasures
AN6.73one who doesn’t attain, one who does
MN68rapture apart from sensual pleasures
MN99to give up unskillful intentions
MN78Ven. Sāriputta practicing
SN28.1 cause danger like a fire spreading
MN115danger of like fire spreading
MN115difference between astute person
SN12.19fire does not think to burn
MN50knowing mistakes and accepting confession
AN2.21like fire that spreads to houses
AN3.1reborn in difficult human life
MN129reborn in low families
MN129what is and is not the Dhamma
AN2.104 all who attain enlightenment establish
AN10.95applied and sustained thought
SN47.10encouraging those for whom you have sympathy
SN47.48fulfilled by mindfulness of breathing
MN118fulfilled by three types of good action
SN46.6fulfils the seven awakening factors
MN118going from near shore to far
SN47.34happiness in present life
SN47.8internally and externally
SN47.3investigating the mind to see if they are developed
MN151laypeople practicing
MN51like a pillar grounded in the earth
MN125like heap of soil destroyed
SN54.10monks committed to developing
MN118new monks should train in
SN47.4not thinking thoughts connected with sensual pleasures
MN125part of gradual training
MN125passing away and rebirth of beings
SN52.23sign (nimitta) of the mind
SN47.8to fulfill awakening factors
SN46.6to give up five higher fetters
AN9.70to give up five lower fetters
AN9.67to give up five realms of rebirth
AN9.68to give up mental barrenness
AN9.71to give up sense pleasures
AN9.65to overcome breaking five precepts
AN9.63why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77 asking how they apply to our own suffering
MN77ending suffering without making the breakthrough
SN56.32family, friends; sharing with
SN56.26fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27harder to penetrate than horsehair
SN56.45heart’s release, release by wisdom
Iti103includes all skillful qualities
MN28limitless explanations about
SN56.19more important than head on fire
SN56.34not understanding is darker than space
SN56.46not understood by unwise
MN43understanding as result of gradual training
MN51understanding does not cause suffering
SN56.35understanding is the purpose of spiritual life
AN9.13 criticizing others for lack of
MN30cutting through skin, flesh, sinews, bones
SN17.28danger of living in village
AN6.42desire for leads to fear
MN4getting and not getting
AN8.61like turtle struck with harpoon
SN17.3mind overcome with is never happy
SN17.8obstruction even for arahant’s blissful meditation
SN17.30one who desires gain will not be respected by his companions
AN7.1suffering when not getting
AN8.61 burning away, simile for enduring speech
MN21damming, simile for stopping applied and sustained thought
SN41.8grains of sand, how many eons have passed
SN15.8killing or giving along the banks of
DN2:11.0making Ganges slope west, like relatives wishing
SN45.160making Ganges slope west, simile for impossible to disrobe
SN52.8simile for crossing saṁsara
MN34simile for giving up lower fetters
MN64slants to the east, simile for awakening factors lead to nibbāna
SN46.77slants to the east, simile for five powers leading to nibbāna
SN51.33slants to the east, simile for jhānas lead to nibbāna
SN53.1slants to the east, simile for noble eightfold path leads to nibbāna
SN45.91slants to the east, simile for right efforts leading to nibbāna
SN49.1slants to the east, simile for spiritual faculties
SN48.71sloping towards ocean, simile for disciples moving towards enlightenment
SN35.241 benefits in future lives
AN5.31Dhamma gives freedom from death
SN1.42“doctrine for morons”
MN76grounds for making merit
Iti60in a poorly explained teaching
AN1.322massive gift not as fruitful because it was not given to Saṅgha
AN9.20merit like water in ocean
AN5.45not as much as you are able
AN9.19not fulfilling an offer
AN4.79outside of the community
AN7.29parents as worthy recipients
AN7.47prevented by stinginess, heedlessness, fear
SN1.32rebirth among gods of Brahmā’s Host
AN7.52rebirth in realm of the Four Great Kings
AN7.52recipient makes it fruitful
AN3.99recipient makes it not fruitful
AN3.99result of
Iti26results of depending on how gift was given
AN5.148small amounts give big results
Vv59thinking to be reborn in heaven
AN8.33thinking to not stop family tradition
AN8.33thinking, ‘I cook, they don’t. It wouldn’t be right for me to not give to them.’
AN8.31thinking, ‘It’s good to give.’
AN8.31thinking, ‘They’ll give to me.’
AN8.31to make ones mind clear
AN8.33to make the mind clear and joyful
AN7.52to one free from delusion
Dhp358to one free from desire
Dhp359to ordinary people less fruitful than gifts to Saṅgha
Pv21to Saṅgha is always more fruitful than individual gifts
Vv34to small creatures in water
AN3.57to someone possessing noble eightfold path
AN8.34to the Saṅgha
Kp6whom to give to
Snp3.5without belief in future consequences
AN9.20worthy of gifts
Snp3.5worthy of gifts: five powers
AN6.4worthy of gifts: five spiritual faculties
AN6.3worthy of gifts: psychic powers
AN6.2worthy of gifts: sense restraint
AN6.1 discouraging with encouragement to make merit
MN82from different castes
MN84like changes in Pāricchattaka tree
AN7.70new monks should train in four foundations of mindfulness
SN47.4origin of bhikkhuni order
AN8.51out of love and respect for the Buddha
SN46.30parents’ permission needed
MN82recommended by the wise
AN3.45threatening to not eat if not allowed to
Thig16.1to understand the four noble truths
SN56.3Ven. Bakkula never giving
MN124while young, the Buddha
MN95 abstaining from, ten precepts
Kp2can be made pure, simile for mind
MN7counterfeit gold, simile for untrue teachings
SN16.13holdign on to, simile for holding wrong views out of spite
DN23:5.0people who refrain from are few
SN56.83 accumulating little by little
Dhp122cause for birth as cloud deva
SN32.2cause for rebirth as gandhabba
SN31.2cause for rebirth as nāga
SN29.7done in pain and sadness
MN46done with pleasure and happiness
MN46impossible for bad results to come from
MN115impossible to lead to bad destination
MN115results coming at different times
MN136should be cultivated
MN114simile of garland maker
Dhp53teaching about as gentle training
AN4.111ten ways of performing: fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.28three types fulfill foundations of mindfulness
SN46.6three types fulfilled by sense restraint
SN46.6 complete understanding of all
SN35.60delighting in feelings
MN38dimension of neither perception nor non-perception as best thing to grasp
MN106perception of dissatisfaction with the whole world
AN10.60sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self
SN45.173vital condition for becoming
SN12.23 actions that lead to
MN88attachment/acquisitions (upadhi) and
AN2.66for happy person, pain is an affliction
AN9.34gained through pain/suffering
MN101mindfulness of breathing (bliss)
MN118of laypeople and of monastics
AN2.64of sensuality and of renunciation
AN2.65result of factors of stream-entry
SN55.30vital condition for concentration
SN12.23vital condition is tranquility
SN12.23waking happily, benefit of loving-kindness
AN11.15we have experienced all in saṁsara
SN15.12 ascetics not freed from
MN150caused by feature of harshness
AN3.68give up by seeing with wisdom
AN10.23giving up guarantees non-return
Iti2making prejudiced decisions
AN4.17practice for giving up
MN3removing by seeing unrepulsive in repulsive
AN5.144very blameworthy, quick to fade
AN3.68while on alms round, etc.
MN151without giving up, cannot become arahant
AN9.62 because life force ends quickly
SN20.6cause for growth in skillful qualities
AN10.68honor to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70like jasmine is most fragrant
AN10.15like ocean is greatest of rivers
AN10.15like sandalwood is most fragrant
AN10.15like spikenard is most fragrant root
AN10.15like stalk of bunch of mangos
AN6.53like wheel-turning monarch is chief
AN10.15like wise person on mountain-top
Dhp28rely on to give up unskillful and develop skillful
AN7.70 anyone who does bad action must go to
SN42.8as motivation to do good
AN2.1avoiding by blaming others
MN97breaking five precepts leads to
AN5.145called the six fields of contact
SN35.135completely disagreeable
MN129dying as human and reborn in hell are many
SN56.102encouraging others to do bad can lead to
AN10.222having head of a fish
MN50hiding misdeeds leads to
AN2.26like pit of glowing coals
MN12lost opportunity if born in hell when Buddha is alive
AN8.29qualities that lead to
AN5.4rebirth in like being in prison
AN6.45result of ascetic practices
MN45result of criticizing Dhamma
SN1.39result of sense pleasures
MN45result of tie to gratification of sense
SN35.235trying to eat and drink in
MN130unwholesome actions lead to
AN3.146 all who attain enlightenment remove
AN10.95blocking knowledge and vision
MN99blocking psychic powers
AN5.23develop foundations of mindfulness to overcome
AN9.64investigating the mind to see if they are present
MN151like channels that disperse a river
AN5.51meditator’s mind overcome with
AN11.9noble eightfold path to give up
SN45.177not knowing escape from
AN11.9obstruction to proper meditation
MN108one who removes, one who doesn’t
MN68preventing awakening factors
SN46.24removal as accomplishment of wisdom
AN4.61removal in one who receives gifts
SN3.24removed in four postures
AN4.12visiting esteemed mendicants to overcome
AN6.27 constrained by whip, simile for conscience
SN1.18mated with donkey, not like mixed caste children
MN93meditate like a thoroughbred, not a wild colt
AN11.9self tamed person is better than thoroughbred
Dhp322simile for heedfulness
Dhp29thoroughbred worthy of a king, simile for good monastic
MN65thoroughbred, simile for training
MN65thoroughbred, simile of types of people
AN9.22trained and untrained, simile of
MN125up or down from, simile for rebirth
SN3.21wild colt, simile for bad mendicant
AN10.87wild colt, simile for bad people
AN8.14wild colt, simile of types of people
AN9.22 light landing on wall, simile for rooted faith
SN48.42light not landing on wall, simile for no desire
SN12.64roof peak, simile for noble knowledge
SN48.52simile for danger of fools spreading like fire
MN115simile for Māra catching mendicant; catching fire
SN35.243with eleven doors, simile for eleven doors to the deathless
AN11.16 cause of unskillful qualities
SN45.1causes wrong eightfold path
SN45.1condition for volitional formations
SN12.1given up when wisdom is developed
AN2.31like rafters going to roof peak
SN20.1like sweltering forest grove
SN22.84not knowing four noble truths
SN56.17perception of impermanence to remove
SN22.102vital condition for volitional formations
SN12.23without there is not body, speech, mind
SN12.25 arises because of sense pleasures and perceptions
MN106causes unskillful qualities to grow
MN114come together with people who are
SN14.27corruption of the mind (cittassa upakkilesa)
MN7means decline in the teachings
AN10.86quality of bad ascetic
MN40removed by heart’s release by loving-kindness
AN1.17starved by hearts release by loving-kindness
SN46.51time to see esteemed mendicant
AN6.27 “All conditions are impermanent.”
AN3.136contemplation of phenomena as
MN64devas learning they are not permanent
SN22.78neutral feelings seen as
Iti53of aggregates causes anxiety
MN138of sense bases and objects
MN146of sensual pleasures, sensual perceptions, etc.
MN106teachings do not get old
Dhp151using to endure abuse
MN28what’s impermanent is suffering
SN35.1 corruption of the mind (cittassa upakkilesa)
MN7difficult to admonish
MN15give up by seeing with wisdom
AN10.23giving up leads to heaven
AN3.10like hell beings are of those going to heaven
Thag1.62one who has will not be respected by companions
AN7.2practice for giving up
MN3quality of bad ascetic
MN40rebirth in ghost realm
Pv15towards those devoted to own goal
Dhp209 as a basis for insight
MN111as escape from sensual pleasures
MN14as fruit of the spiritual path
MN76as happiness in present life
MN8as “luxurious bed” of gods
AN3.63as opening in confinement
AN9.42as way of living comfortably
AN5.94assessing their pleasure
MN139being skilled or unskilled with
AN9.35Buddha’s path to enlightenment
MN4contemplating phenomenon as impermanent, suffering, not-self etc.
AN9.36Dhamma visible here and now
AN9.46factors of preventing further attainment
AN9.42faculty of immersion (samādhindriya)
SN48.8first jhāna not possible with hindrances
AN6.73first jhāna not possible without seeing danger of sensual pleasures
AN6.73for enjoyment, relief, comfort, and for alighting upon extinguishment
AN7.67gods not understanding the mind of one in
AN11.9gratification of feeling
MN13knowledge and vision
MN128like Pāricchattaka tree
AN7.69like provisions in a frontier citadel
AN7.67meditator in has escaped Māra like gods escaping asuras
AN9.39mindfulness of breathing
SN54.8mindfulness of the body helps one to achieve
MN119nibbāna visible here and now
AN9.47nine progressive dwellings (anupubbavihārā)
AN9.32not a reason to become arrogant
MN113one freed both ways and
AN9.45one freed by wisdom and
AN9.44pleasant practice, future pleasure
MN45progressive cessation of conditions
SN36.11qualities that prevent first jhāna
AN6.74respecting a monk who gets
MN108result of stilling thoughts
MN19senior monastics who have live comfortably
AN10.98sense pleasures are affliction for one in
AN9.34stuck on factors of
MN138to realize world of perfect happiness
MN79underlying tendencies to be given up
MN44understanding because of foundations of mindfulness
SN52.21without attaining, Buddha does not declare enlightenment
AN9.41 caring for by breaking precepts
MN97ceremonies mortifying self and others
MN94craving for sensual pleasure
MN75inspiring others in heedfulness
SN3.18moral leaders; causing natural disasters
AN4.70simile for person accomplished in virtue
DN8:18.0sound of harp, simile for aggregates
SN35.246 attaining levels of enlightenment
MN73being suspicious of monastics
AN7.29Buddha declaring attainments of
MN68compared to ascetics
MN150danger of intimacy with for monastics
AN10.45decline of, factors that lead to
AN7.29factors that lead to non-decline
AN7.29renunciation differentiates them from monastics
AN9.41right practice and wrong practice
SN45.24teachings usually given to
MN143 as principle of cordiality (dhammā sāraṇīyā)
AN10.50asking learned person questions like knowing the ford
AN11.17leads to enlightenment soon
AN7.60mindfulness of breathing and
AN5.96monastics and laypeople
AN4.7noble disciple grows nobly when they grow in
AN10.74noble disciple with gives up unwholesome
AN7.67not a reason to become arrogant
MN113person who would illuminate sal park
MN32qualification for admonishing
AN10.44qualification to ordain monastics
AN10.34quality of a noble disciple
AN7.67respecting a monk who is
MN108senior monastics who are live comfortably
AN10.98 a monastic who has “benefactors”
AN3.20amazing that people with defilements would listen
AN4.128cause for growth in skillful qualities
AN10.68dependent on a person’s interest
MN105how to get the opportunity
AN6.51in the future monastics won’t be interested in
SN20.7laypeople should listen to deep Dhamma
SN55.53leads to respect and harmony
AN10.87neglecting leads to decline
AN7.29not getting to leads to decline
AN10.55not listening to doesn’t lead to respect and harmony
AN10.87not wanting to listen is cause for decline
AN10.68opportunity for freedom
AN5.26people of faith like to
AN3.42some people will benefit, some will not
AN3.22stages of enlightenment
AN6.56with fault-finding mind
AN7.29 as a basis for insight
MN52as accompanying enlightenment factor
SN46.54as “luxurious bed” of brahmās
AN3.63Buddha truly abides in
MN55greater than following precepts
AN9.20like sun in clear sky
Iti27limitless release of heart (appamāṇa cetovimutti)
MN127measureless liberation of mind
SN41.7monks committed to developing
MN118more fruitful than giving
SN20.4the way proper for an ascetic
MN40to gain the four assurances
AN3.65to prepare the mind for reflection
SN42.13to respond to bad speech
MN21towards animals of all kinds
AN4.67towards spiritual companions
AN10.44 simile for stilling thoughts
MN20 associating with monks who practice austerities
SN14.15content with any kind of requisites
SN16.1discussion with Ven. Sāriputta
SN16.2encouraged to give up ascetic practices by the Buddha
SN16.5foremost who speaks on austerities
AN1.191meeting Buddha and receiving teaching
SN16.11visiting bhikkhunīs with Ven. Ānanda
SN16.10what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32 army of pushed away like flood
Thag1.7army of, crushing with awakening factors
SN46.43attacking like wind and weak tree
Dhp7cannot attack the energetic
Dhp8cannot attack the jhāna meditator
AN9.39cannot find the good
Dhp57cannot see one who has attained cessation of perception and feeling
AN9.40criticizing Buddha for sleeping
SN4.7elephant, taking the form of
SN4.2encourages giving up monastic life
Thig3.7finding vulnerabilities
MN119foremost in sovereignty
AN4.15jhāna meditator escaping
AN9.39like wind attacking mountain
Dhp8preventing Buddha from getting almsfood
SN4.18preventing people from following the Buddha
DN25:23.0sense pleasures and perceptions are his domain
MN106snake, taking form of
SN4.6taking hold of mendicant not guarding senses
SN35.243taking possession of a god
SN2.30tormenting Ven. Moggallāna
MN50 another word for happiness
Iti22as support for nibbāna
Kp8by supporting mendicants
AN3.46death and old age as encouragement to do
SN1.3give to arahants, not brahmas
SN6.3grounds for making, brahmins’
MN99happiness from using wealth
AN4.62helps wives get beneficial things
SN37.32like relatives greeting us after long journey
Vv52like shadow that never leaves
SN3.4made when monastics visit families
AN5.199 cheated, tricked, deceived by
MN75clouded like cloudy lake
AN1.45corrupted cleansed by effort
AN3.70developed mind brings happiness
AN1.30developed mind is very beneficial
AN1.24developed mind is workable
AN1.22guarded leads to happiness
Dhp36guarded like a citadel
Dhp40has everything under its sway
SN1.62imbued with faith, ethics, learning, generosity, wisdom
SN55.21lax, tense, constricted, scattered
SN51.20like cloth taking dye
MN7like poorly/well roofed house
Thag2.7mindfulness of breathing
MN118more elaborate than picture called “Conduct”
SN22.100origin of habits and intentions
MN78pointing wrong way like spike of rice
AN1.41rises up to good place after death
SN55.21should be healthy even if body is not
SN22.1simile of arrow maker
Dhp33tamed leads to happiness
Dhp35tamed mind is very beneficial
AN1.32to a meditation object like elephant to post
Thag1.19trained better than family
Dhp43training like elephant trainer does
Thag1.77unclouded like transparent lake
AN1.46undeveloped mind brings suffering
AN1.29undeveloped mind is useless
AN1.21undeveloped mind is very harmful
AN1.23unprotected like a bad roof
AN3.109untrained worse than enemy
Dhp42wild mind is very harmful
AN1.31wrongly directed worse than enemy
Ud4.3 as principle of cordiality (dhammā sāraṇīyā)
AN10.50essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82establishing based on deities
AN11.13establishing based on generosity
AN11.13establishing based on spiritual friends
AN11.13establishing based on the Buddha
AN11.13establishing based on the Dhamma
AN11.13leads to enlightenment soon
AN7.60lost when focusing on pleasant features
SN35.95needed to reach superhuman states
AN6.77noble disciple with gives up unwholesome
AN7.67part of gradual training
MN107power: seen in four foundations of
AN5.15quality of a noble disciple
AN7.67wilderness monks should be
MN69 includes all skillful qualities
MN119mindfulness of breathing
MN119one who has cannot attack without apologizing
AN9.11situational awareness (sampajañña)
MN119unestablished when enjoying sense pleasures
MN38very fruitful and beneficial
MN119 mindfulness of breathing
MN118 alternative to meditation on ugliness
SN54.9arahants practice for blissful meditation
SN54.11fulfils the four foundations of mindfulness meditation
MN118like storm dispels dust
SN54.9monks committed to developing
MN118“noble meditation,” “divine meditation,” “realized one’s meditation”
SN54.11removes unwholesome qualities
SN54.9to give up external thoughts
Iti85 associating with monks of great psychic power
SN14.15like large branch of tree of heartwood
SN47.14like the one who raises the child
MN141mothers wish for sons to be like
SN17.23nodding off in meditation
AN7.61on being easy to admonish
MN15praise of by Ven. Sāriputta
SN21.3praising Ven. Sāriputta
MN5psychic powers, how he developed
SN51.31questioning Ven. Anuruddha
SN52.1shaking Palace of Migara’s Mother with toe
SN51.14told by the Buddha to give a talk
SN35.243Ven. Vaṅgīsa’s praise of
SN8.10what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32witnessed attack of Ven. Sāriputta
Ud4.4 Buddha giving a talk on
AN3.91connection to stages of enlightenment
AN3.86disputes over would be minor matter
MN104eating in groups of more than three
SN16.11followed when the perceptions for ascetics are developed
AN10.101knowledge of as qualification for admonishing
AN10.44monk having difficulty following rules told to train in three things
AN3.84reason for creation of
MN65when someone breaks
MN103 giving material things to laypeople
Thag16.10happiness of is superior
AN2.64hearts free like wild deer
MN89like bird who only takes wings
MN51renunciation differentiates them from lay people
AN9.41right practice and wrong practice
SN45.24too much time with laypeople
SN9.5using wood blocks for pillows
SN20.8 blocking view, simile for ignorance blocking realization
MN125drilling into with lotus stalk
SN4.25shadow of as simile for regret spreading over a fool
MN129simile for arahants
Ud3.4simile for dependent origination, rain on
SN12.23simile for Māra attacking
Dhp8simile for monks who have overcome sensuality
Ud3.3simile for old age and death
SN3.25simile for wise person, standing on
Dhp28wearing away, compared to length of eon
SN15.5 at time of death, bases of psychic power
SN51.26at time of death, mindfulness of breathing
SN54.4better happiness than heaven
Ud2.2blocked by disputes
MN103cessation of conditioned existence is
AN10.7culmination, destination, end of the spiritual life
SN48.42desire to attain removed once attained
SN51.15early in this life, bases of psychic power
SN51.26early in this life, mindfulness of breathing
SN54.4ending of becoming (bhavanirodha)
SN12.68how long would it take to attain
MN85“I am at peace, I have attained nibbāna”
MN102like a lotus pond in forest
MN12like flame going out
MN72perceiving, directly knowing, etc.
MN1perceptions to attain in present life
AN10.59teachings that lead to are true Dhamma
AN7.83through not clinging
MN140 as practice to remove perils of old age, etc.
AN3.62complete understanding of becoming
SN38.13complete understanding of floods
SN38.11complete understanding of grasping
SN38.12complete understanding of identity
SN38.15complete understanding of taints
SN38.8does not arise apart from the Blessed One’s vinaya
SN45.15encouraging others to practice
AN4.205established by the Buddha
MN83for direct knowledge of three kinds of discrimination
SN45.162for extinguishment by not grasping
SN45.48for giving up evil qualities
MN3for giving up greed and hate, etc.
SN38.3fully comprehending makes an end of suffering
AN10.27investigating the mind to see if it is developed
MN151leads to bases of psychic power
SN51.27leads to development of bodhipakkhiyā dhammā
SN45.155like Ganges slants to the east
SN45.91monks committed to developing
MN118people who practice come together with people who practice, etc.
SN14.29qualities of invincible ascetic
MN78to give up underlying tendencies
SN45.175to give up unwholesome, nutriment, suffering, old age and death, etc.
MN9to go from near to far shore
SN45.34understanding suffering
SN45.5when truly knowing and seeing
MN149why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77 able or unable to answer questions
AN3.141as steadfast person
AN4.5attached to rebirth
Iti96Buddha declaring someone has attained
MN68cannot attain without giving up certain things
AN6.65cause for rebirth as
MN64celibate lay disciples
MN73examples of
AN10.89factors that lead to; association with true persons, etc.
SN55.57giving up anger to become
Iti4giving up conceit to become
Iti6giving up delusion to become
Iti3giving up disdain to become
Iti5giving up greed to become
Iti1giving up hatred to become
Iti2like a person in water who rises up and finds a footing
AN7.15result for faithful disciple
MN70through bases of psychic power
SN51.25through dimension of infinite consciousness
AN11.16through heart’s release by loving-kindness
AN11.16through jhāna and contemplation
AN9.36 animals in are more numerous
SN56.36measuring water in, simile for merit
SN55.41rain as the cause for as simile for cause of ignorance
AN10.62rain as the cause for as simile for cause of knowledge and freedom
AN10.62simile for dependent origination
SN12.69simile for love of Dhamma-Vinaya
Ud5.5simile for the Buddha
MN72water in, less than blood in samsara
SN15.13water in, less than mother’s milk in samsara
SN15.4water in, less than tears in samsara
SN15.3 blue, yellow, red, and white
SN22.79called because it perceives
SN22.79cause of unskillful intention
MN78ceases in cessation of perception and feeling
AN9.33feelings, consciousness, and
MN43gives rise to intention
SN14.7limited, expansive, limitless
AN10.29mental formations (cittasaṅkhāra)
MN44not knowing is cause for wrong views
SN33.3thorn for cessation of perception and feeling
AN10.72 overcoming fear in different
MN4recollections to be practiced in four
AN11.12stilling, simile for stilling thoughts
MN20 cooling after kiln, simile for body at death
SN12.51gift of hundred pots of rice compared to loving-kindness
SN20.4liable to break, simile for death
SN3.22of ghee sinking down, simile for death
SN55.21simile for person who lies
MN61trapping someone in to catch soul
DN23:5.0water pot tipped, simile of person giving up bad qualities
AN11.13with a stand, simile for mind
SN45.27without a stand, simile for mind
SN45.27 energy, mindfulness, immersion, wisdom
AN4.261faith, conscience, prudence, energy, wisdom
AN5.204faith, energy, conscience, prudence, mindfulness, immersion, wisdom
AN7.3faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion
AN4.152faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, wisdom
AN5.12five, arahant has well developed
AN10.90five, why disciples respect the Buddha
MN77five: where they are seen
AN5.15investigating the mind to see if they are developed
MN151like Ganges slants to the east
SN50.1mindfulness, immersion, blamelessness, inclusiveness
AN4.154monks committed to developing
MN118reflection, development, blamelessness, inclusiveness
AN4.155 among gods, wishing for
MN16based on what you usually do
SN42.8because of not knowing four noble truths
SN56.21can’t be changed by others prayers
SN42.6dependent virtue, giving, meditation
AN8.36ending like flame going out
MN72ending through sense bases
SN35.1ending through the sense bases
SN35.28fear of rebirth in bad place
AN4.121in civilized place: rarity of
AN6.96knowing that it has ended
MN51like stick landing in different ways
SN15.9moving from dark to light and light to dark
AN6.57of an ordinary person vs. a disciple of the Buddha
AN3.116“reborn” doesn’t apply
MN72regardless of undeclared views
MN63stream-enterers cannot take eighth
Kp6through right action
MN60what kinds should and should not be cultivated
MN114 bad actions give bad results
AN1.284cannot be “burned away” through ascetic practices
MN101everything is caused by past action
MN101experiencing regardless of caste
MN93gods with factors of stream-entry
SN55.36good actions give good results
AN1.285impossible for good results to come from bad
MN115knowing because of foundations of mindfulness
SN52.16known as a power of the Buddha
AN6.64no one else can experience for us
MN130not seeming to match actions
MN136obstructions to listening to Dhamma
AN6.86prooving existence of
DN23seeing results as encouragement for good actions
AN4.197simile of diamond grinding
Dhp161specific results are inconceivable
AN4.77 actions done with result in happiness
AN1.315aggregate of wisdom (paññākkhandha)
MN44all actions done based on right view will be good
AN10.104as principle of cordiality
MN104come together with people who have
SN14.27essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82forerunner of skillful qualities
AN10.121held by good people
MN110like seed that grows sweet things
AN1.315like spike of rice pointing right way
SN45.9person with causes happiness for many
AN1.317should be cultivated
MN114supporting factors for wisdom
MN43that actions have results
MN60when truly knowing and seeing
MN149 bring water to oceans, simile for merit
SN55.41calling out to the far shore, simile for calling to gods
DN13:11.0great rivers slant to the east, simile for five powers leading to nibbāna
SN50.1great rivers slant to the east, simile for noble eightfold path leads to nibbāna
SN45.96great rivers slant to the east, simile for right efforts leading to nibbāna
SN49.1person chained can’t cross, simile for sense pleasures
DN13:11.0person wrapped in cloth can’t cross, simile for hindrances
DN13:11.0simile for dependent origination
SN12.69simile for regarding aggregates for self; grasping plants on bank
SN22.93simile for shortness of life
AN7.74standing still by psychic powers
Thag1.38with island, simile for faculties and powers
SN48.43 about qualities of wilderness monk
MN69analytical knowledge (paṭisambhidā)
AN7.39associating with monks of great wisdom
SN14.15awakening factors, seven
SN46.4born from the mouth of the Buddha
MN111Buddha telling monks to take leave of
SN22.2discussion with Mahā Kassapa
SN16.2discussion with Ven. Bhūmija
SN12.25discussion with Ven. Upavāṇa
AN4.175discussion with wanderers of other sects
SN12.24explains training under the Buddha
MN3like the mother who gives birth
MN141meditating like a mountain
Ud3.4mothers wish for sons to be like
SN17.23nothing that would cause sadness
SN21.2practicing meditation on emptiness
MN151praise of by Ven. Moggallāna
SN21.3purpose of spiritual life
AN9.14reflecting on good qualities
AN7.70simile of relay chariots
MN24skills related to concentration
AN7.41teaching matching Buddha’s exactly
AN11.7teaching on right view
MN9told by the Buddha to give a talk
AN10.67Ven. Vaṅgīsa’s verses about
SN8.6what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park
MN32what should and should not be cultivated
MN114what to associate with
AN9.6whole of the spiritual life
SN45.3worthy of going on a mission
AN8.16 all depends on the earth, simile for virtue
SN45.150neem seed, simile for wrong view leading to wrong actions
AN10.104planted in bad field, simile for sacrifices
DN23:31.0planted in different fields, simile for teaching Dhamma
SN42.7simile for a being resulting from conditions
SN5.9simile for consciousness dependently arisen
SN22.54simile for destruction of deeds
AN3.34simile for self in aggregates
MN35sugarcane, rice, grape: simile for right view leading to good actions
AN10.104young seedlings needing water, simile for young monastics
SN22.80 arising of is arising of suffering
SN35.21as impermanent, suffering, not self
SN35.62consciousness arises dependent on
MN38gratification, danger, escape
SN35.17internal not fetter of external
SN35.232knowing and seeing to give up identity view
SN35.166knowing and seeing to give up wrong view
SN35.165like tangled yarn, ball of thread
SN35.229understanding and stream-entry, etc.
SN25.1understanding leads to concentration
SN35.99views about the self, etc.
SN44.7 Buddha’s teachings on is unsurpassable
DN28:1.0cessation of desire
MN112conditioned by name and form
SN12.1consciousness tied to past
MN133desire for in present
MN133examining reaction to
MN151internal and external
MN148internal and external, consciousness
MN28knowing as they truly are (yathābhūta)
MN149past, present, future are impermanent
SN35.7tied to sense objects
MN138vital condition for contact
SN12.23vital condition is name and form
SN12.23wishing for the future
MN133 abandoned when going forth
AN5.7apparent in the present
SN1.20as block to jhāna progress
AN9.41as cause of disputes
Ud6.8assessing their pleasure
MN139attachment to causes fear of death
AN4.184blocking knowledge and vision
MN99blocking realization
MN125causing happiness and sadness
Snp4.1clinging to at time of death
SN55.54conduce to desire, ill will, aggression (abhijjhā, byāpādā, sārambha)
MN106consumed by craving for
MN75delight not connected with
MN75desire and craving for
MN16desire grows from indulging in
MN75develop foundations of mindfulness to give up
AN9.65enjoying before ordaining
MN38giving little gratification
MN14gratification, danger, escape
MN14how to live while enjoying
AN8.54human compared to heavenly
MN75in this life and lives to come
MN106like a grass torch burns holder
Thig16.1like camel’s foot creeper
Snp2.5like low-lying marsh
MN19like mustard seed slipping off needle
Snp3.9like tree full of fruit
MN54like trees that crush other trees
SN46.39low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, pointless
MN139Māra’s domain, realm, territory
MN106mind obsessed with cannot understand Dhamma
MN125mind taking an interest in
MN122not able to enjoy because of previous improper giving method
AN9.20not satisfied by rain of gold coins
Dhp186person who goes with the stream
AN4.5pleasure of compared to jhāna
MN139slipping off one like rain on lotus leaf
Snp3.9to be avoided like snake head
Snp4.1 as condition for virtue
AN6.50because of being intent on nibbāna
MN105condition for ethical conduct
AN8.81conditioned by conscience and prudence
AN8.81eventually leads to knowledge and vision
AN6.50fulfills three types of good action
SN46.6lack of and Māra striking down
Dhp7lack of caused by a lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension
AN10.62lack of hinders the monastic life
AN10.73lack of prevents virtue
AN7.65like walking shoeless on thorny path
Thag16.10Māra cannot strike down
Dhp8mindfulness and clear comprehension
AN8.9nourishes the monastic life
AN10.73part of gradual training
MN107watching shows is thorn for
AN10.72 fruitful when wholesome qualities grow
AN3.78life is short so we should follow
AN7.74living as long as life lasts
MN89making or not making a wish about
MN126not possible if aggregates permanent
SN22.97not possible if incarnation was permanent
SN22.96not possible if sense bases were fetters
SN35.232not possible with wrong views
SN12.35not the spiritual path, definition
SN45.18opportunity to practice
AN8.29purpose of
AN9.13purpose of not concentration
DN6:3.0purpose of, direct knowledge and complete understanding
Iti36purpose of, giving up desire (chanda)
SN51.15purpose of, restraint and giving up
Iti35purpose of, understand suffering
SN35.81purpose of, understand suffering, sense bases
SN35.152purpose of: complete understanding of suffering
SN38.4 corruption of the mind (cittassa upakkilesa)
MN7develop bases of psychic power to give up
AN9.79develop right effort to give up
AN9.79difficult to admonish
MN15from staying long in one place
AN5.224give up by seeing with wisdom
AN10.23giving up leads to heaven
AN3.10one who has will not be respected by companions
AN7.2overcome for sake of next world
SN1.43practice for giving up
MN3quality of bad ascetic
MN40 definition: sense bases impermanent
SN25.1factors that lead to; association with true persons, etc.
SN55.55faculties of pleasure, pain, happiness, sadness, equanimity
SN48.32five spiritual faculties’ gratification, danger, escape
SN48.2five spiritual faculties’ origin, ending, gratification, danger, escape
SN48.3like a person in water who rises up then sees and discerns
AN7.15like the calves and weak cattle
MN34more numerous than once returners
SN55.52someone with residue remaining
AN9.12understanding sense faculties
SN48.26will not be reborn in lower worlds
SN55.17 acquisitions as root of
MN66aggregates not exclusively painful
SN22.60all conditioned things are
Dhp278“All conditions are suffering.”
AN3.136arising of elements is arising of suffering
SN14.36better than bad actions that cause bad rebirth
AN7.72connected with sense pleasures
AN5.176contemplation of phenomena as
MN64don’t bring it upon oneself
MN101elements not exclusively painful
SN14.34ending of elements is ending of suffering
SN14.36ending without reaching the end of the world
AN9.38from not receiving material possessions
AN8.61only suffering comes to be
SN5.10severe, mild, slow to fade, quick to fade
AN6.63understanding is the purpose of spiritual life
SN45.5understanding through noble eightfold path
SN45.5vital condition is becoming
SN12.23wearing away through action
MN101what arises is just suffering
SN12.15what’s suffering is not-self
SN35.1 caused by bad behavior
MN54complete understanding of
SN38.8ended by foundations of mindfulness
SN52.24ended by knowing and seeing aggregates
SN22.101ended by noble eightfold path, etc.
AN10.122ending of makes one an ascetic
MN40giving up is ending of delusion
MN36giving up through concentration due to mindfulness of breathing
SN54.20giving up through knowing and seeing sense bases
SN35.56like palm tree cut off
MN68noble eightfold path is for giving up
SN45.163sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance
SN45.163sensuality, desire to be reborn, ignorance
Iti57to be given up by seeing
MN2Vinaya restrains and protects from
AN10.31 being converted to Buddhism
AN4.193branch of, simile for Ven. Sāriputta
SN47.13full of fruit, simile for sense pleasures
MN54grabbing branch with glue smeared hand, simile for identity
AN4.178latex producing; simile for greed, hate, delusion
SN35.231planting, merit grows day and night
SN1.47rotten, simile of bad monastic looking good on the outside
AN8.10sapling cared for, simile for focusing on gratification/danger
SN12.56simile for focusing on danger
SN12.55simile for ghost realm
MN12simile for human realm
MN12simile for impermanence
MN146simile for one without conditions for wholesome
AN5.24simile for path to give up five lower fetters
MN64simile for person with faith
AN5.38simile for person without proper conditions
AN10.3slanting to the east, simile for disciple with factors of stream-entry
SN55.22slanting to the east, simile for noble eightfold path leads to nibbāna
SN45.152that crush other trees, simile for sense pleasures
SN46.39tree trunk containing elements
AN6.41 not relevant to fundamentals of spiritual life
SN56.8 as condition for concentration
AN5.168as condition for right concentration
AN6.50as one, but not only, factor of monastic life
AN4.196as principle of cordiality
MN104as principle of cordiality (dhammā sāraṇīyā)
AN10.50come together with virtuous
SN14.24condition for bodhipakkhiyā dhammā
AN9.1conditioned by sense restraint
AN8.81contentment with as partial attainment
SN55.40essential for monastic’s development
AN10.82even if there are not results of actions
MN60giving up unvirtuous conduct
AN10.76grounded on one develops awakening factors
SN46.99helpful for rebirth by aspiration
MN120lack of prevents right concentration
AN7.65leads to enlightenment soon
AN7.60like foliage is condition for tree
AN5.168noble disciple grows nobly when they grow in
AN10.74not identifying with
MN78nourished by good friendship
AN10.73of others seen only over time
AN4.192praise for person with who talks about
AN10.70purpose of is developing foundations of mindfulness
SN47.21reason for rebirth in good destination
SN55.18recollection of other’s
MN68respecting a monk with
MN108results of not being virtuous
AN8.40senior monastics who live comfortably
AN10.98supporting right view to lead to freedom
MN43the virtue loved by noble ones
AN4.52vital condition for non-remorse
AN10.3 bowl of cloudy in the dark, simile for doubt
SN46.55bowl of covered with plants, simile for dullness and drowsiness
SN46.55bowl of heated by fire, simile for ill will
SN46.55bowl of mixed with dye, simile for sensual desire
SN46.55bowl of stirred by wind, simile for restlessness and remorse
SN46.55harming creatures in
MN12line drawn in, simile for shortness of life
AN7.74measuring ocean’s, simile for merit
SN55.41meditating dependent on
AN11.9not horrified, repelled, and disgusted because of unclean things
AN9.11simile for person who lies
MN61simile for stages of enlightenment, person in
AN7.15simile of seven kinds of people
AN7.15two streams from heaven upon Bodhisatta’s birth
MN123using to overcome drowsiness
AN7.61 cannot overcome old age and death
SN3.25cannot stop people from aging
MN82cause of negligence
SN3.6Dhamma as true wealth
MN96faith, ethical conduct, conscience, prudence, learning, generosity, wisdom
AN7.7faith, ethics, learning, generosity, wisdom
AN5.47growth of compared to wisdom
AN1.97holes that wealth leaks out
SN1.76hope for wealth hard to give up
AN2.118not enjoying, like unused pond
SN3.19reason people listen to someone
AN8.24that cannot be taken away
AN7.7using to honor, respect and esteem
AN5.58vision to increase wealth
AN3.29 delightful or frightening
SN1.15kinds of wilderness dwellers
AN5.181living in as evidence of purified mind
MN150living in does not indicate enlightenment
AN6.59living in makes one worthy of gifts
AN8.58living in not a reason to become arrogant
MN113mindfulness of breathing and
AN5.98not enough just to live in
AN10.8not having sense pleasures
MN150part of gradual training
MN107perception of (araññasaññā)
MN121 as overseer of spiritual life
AN4.245as principle of cordiality (dhammā sāraṇīyā)
AN10.50causes growth of skillful qualities
AN10.67chief of powers of a trainee
AN5.12condition for bodhipakkhiyā dhammā
AN9.1decline and non-decline
SN16.7factors that lead to; association with true persons, etc.
SN55.59growth of greater than growth of family
AN1.77helpful for rebirth by aspiration
MN120hindered by not wanting to listen and ask questions
AN10.73lack of causes decline of skillful qualities
AN10.67leads to enlightenment soon
AN7.60noble disciple grows nobly when they grow in
AN10.74noble disciple with gives up unwholesome
AN7.67noble, like sharp meat cleaver
MN146nourished by eagerness to listen and ask questions
AN10.73power of, definition
AN9.5power: seen in four noble truths
AN5.15praise for person with who talks about
AN10.70quality of a noble disciple
AN7.67removing the hindrances
AN5.51wilderness monks should have
MN69yoked together with faith
SN45.4 being sent away from family
SN37.30desirable/undesirable to man
SN37.1family with many and few men, simile for mendicant
SN20.3leadership in household
AN8.49people who refrain from accepting are few
SN56.86pulling away from man, simile for bad teacher
DN12:16.0reborn in heaven
SN37.31reborn in hell because of jealousy
SN37.4reborn in hell because of sexual desire
SN37.4 all depends on the earth, simile for virtue
SN45.149Buddha has no work to do
SN7.17cutting off household life
MN54don’t associate with monk who starts lots of
AN5.146having much and competent in
AN5.90lots of duties accumulated when staying in one place
AN5.223meditation to be practiced while working
AN11.12mindfulness of breathing and
AN5.96much in lay life, less in monastic life
MN99relishing and bad death
AN6.14relishing means decline in the teachings
AN10.86 crossing over attachment to
AN9.38has no shelter and no savior
MN82knowing origination and ending of
AN10.59meditating at the end of
AN9.38not grasping at this or other
MN143seeing or reaching the end of by traveling
AN9.38shackled by attraction, grasping, and insisting
SN22.90unstable and swept away
MN82wanting, insatiable, the slave of craving
MN82 about ascetic practices
MN57all actions done based on wrong view will be bad
AN10.104as a condition for wrong eightfold path
MN60come together with people who have
SN14.27having confidence in one who holds
SN42.13knowing and seeing sense bases to give up wrong view
SN35.165leading to animal world
AN2.27leading to ghost world
Pv38like seed that grows bitter things
AN1.314like spike of rice pointing the wrong way
SN45.9negates the spiritual life
MN76one who has will not be respected by companions
AN7.1person with causes suffering for many
AN1.316quality of bad ascetic
MN40should not be cultivated
MN114 checking reflection, simile for grasping
SN22.83checking reflection, simile for self-examination
AN10.51dead animal around neck of, simile for disgust with unwholesome
MN20freshly bathed, simile of repulsion towards body
AN9.11garlands, simile for accepting teachings
MN5good time for meditation
AN5.54when not to look down on
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How to use the index
First, look things up by noun followed by an adjective. If that doesn't work, then try the adjective.
Checking cross references is essential. If you don't find what you need always check cross references.
For the sake of simplicity, the grammar of head and sub words may not always match. For example, energetic, as protector might be more accurately written as energetic, being as protector, which more verbosely would be written as energetic, being energetic serves as a protector.
In all cases, one should actually read the sutta being refrenced and not rely on the index headings or subheadings. For example, some wrong views may be indexed in a way that is not immediately apparent that they are such. So actually reading the sutta is critical for understanding the matter at hand.
Diacritics are ignored for alphabetization.
Pāli is given for some terms. The Pāli is generally in the singular, though the term in the text may be plural.
Generally, headwords will be in English. For some words where the Pāli is more concise and well known (e.g. Bodhisatta, paccekabuddha) it will be listed under Pāli.
In some cases, although a Pāli word may appear in parentheses in the head word, the Pāli word may not appear in the text.
Proper names may refer to multiple distinct individuals. Also note that some identical looking names may be gendered versions, e.g. Visākhā and Visākha.
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Complete: DN 1–29, MN, SN, AN, Kp, Dhp, Ud, Iti, Snp, Vv, Pv, Thag, Thig
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393 Xref headwords
Last updated: 11 March 2025, 6:24 PM
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